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Attendance tracking app: a valuable tool for tracking the entry and exit times of employees

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Today as in the past, verifying the employees’ presence at work is more than just an administrative task. Keeping track of entrances and exits, tracking the actual number of hours worked per day is crucial for understanding the degree of engagement that an employee establishes with the reality for which he or she works.

However, if in the past the clocking in of the famous time card or attendance badge took place physically through expensive machines installed in offices, today, thanks to digital transformation, this is no longer the case. Let’s see why.

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JOBy: the best attendance tracking app

Since Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have entered our lives, time tracking software, along with management software, have become key tools in every company’s daily routine. However, why stop at a PC programme when it is possible today, thanks to smartphones, to take advantage of apps?

And that’s where JOBy comes in. JOBy is the attendance tracking app that helps managers to track the working hours of employees and contractors. Developed by HT Apps, it is one of the most popular products on the market, as it allows with a simple tap on the screen to clock-in and/or clock-out at work.

How it works

The app, available for iOS or Android mobile operating systems, is very easy to use: once logged in with their credentials provided by the company, the worker can report their time in and out with a tap.

On the back-end, the employer or whoever for him can control, via a user friendly panel with a pleasant user experience (UX)

app registro presenze

Why an attendance tracking app like JOBy

JOBy has an integrated attendance book that allows you to keep track of your employees and assess their productivity. Compared to classic electronic badges:

Technology makes everything simpler: the very concept of physically inserting an electronic card into a reader is overcome. The administrator can then set the location that suits him or, alternatively, that is indicated to him by the employee, facilitating flexible forms of work or smart working.

Attendance tracking app: the most convenient and practical solution today

A attendance tracking app is the most convenient and practical cloud solution (no hardware is required other than the employee’s smartphone) that companies with external or detached workers can choose. External or detached workers include, for example:

A attendance tracking app significantly reduces absenteeism at work and errors or loss of data. With a time attendance tracking app, clocking in has never been so convenient, easy and fast.

The issue of respect for privacy

The Italian Privacy Guarantor authorises the use of attendance tracking apps as long as certain conditions are met:

Choose JOBy

Nowadays, an attendance tracking app is the right solution to track the activity of your employees in a very simple way, even when they do not walk through the office door.

To request a free demo of JOBy, contact us by filling out the contact form below. If, instead, you are passionate about app development, continue reading our JOurnal.

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