
Web-app or mobile app? Which one to choose for your project

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Every day, while browsing the Internet, we use a lot of web-apps without realising it. Services such as online banking, Gmail, Netflix or Amazon are just a few examples of web-apps that are widely used on the web and surfed by millions of users every day.

If you’re thinking about a new digital project and wondering ‘What is the difference between an app and a web-app?’ you will find the answer here! You will find out whether it is worth investing in the development of a mobile app or a web-app. Let’s get started!

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What is a web-app?

A web-app, or web-application, is an application that runs directly within a browser. Unlike mobile apps, which are instead installed on the device, web-apps are only accessible via an Internet connection. This means that you can use them from a computer, smartphone, tablet and with any operating system.

How does a web-app work?

As already mentioned, a web-app works via a browser. Basically, the Internet user visits a URL and, without the need to download, uses the app online. The computing power is managed remotely, while the front-end, i.e. the user interface, is rendered with technologies such as HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.

Going into more detail, your browser sends a request to a remote server. The server, which contains the application code, processes the request and sends the information it needs to the browser to build the interface you see on the screen.

This type of approach offers several benefits:


What’s the difference between an app and a web-app? The 5 key differences

The main difference between an app and a web-app lies in its use by the user. Indeed, to start a classic app, installation on the device is required, unlike web-apps, which instead require a browser and an Internet connection.

Let us look in detail at other major differences:


Mobile apps are generally developed for a specific operating system (such as iOS and Android), so in order to reach multiple users on multiple platforms you will have to create separate app versions each time. Web-apps, on the other hand, can be safely run on any device that has a browser and an Internet connection.


Updating a web-app takes place on the server, so all users accessing it always have the latest version. For mobile apps, it is necessary to send the update to the stores (like Google Play and App Store) and wait for the user to download and install it.


Mobile apps utilise the hardware resources of the device, such as CPU, GPU and memory to function. Web-apps, on the other hand, rely on the power of the server and the connection speed available to the user.


Development costs vary according to the functionality of the app. In general, the initial costs of a mobile app are higher due to cross-platform development, whereas for web-apps, maintenance costs vary depending on the required updates and the type of platform.


Web-apps, unlike mobile apps, can be indexed on search engines (Google or Bing), thus leading to greater visibility. This aspect is important if you plan to implement SEO strategies for your positioning.

So should I choose a web-app or a mobile app?

The choice between a web-app and a mobile app depends on the specific needs of the project and the users. In many cases, the ideal solution is to develop both versions to offer a more complete experience.

For instance, WhatsApp has chosen to be available both as a mobile app for Android and iOS, and as a web-app and desktop app for Windows and macOS, providing flexible access from any device.

There are situations, however, where it may be advantageous to opt for only one of the two solutions.

When is it appropriate to develop a mobile app?

If in your project you plan to exploit the native functionalities of the device, such as the camera, GPS or push notifications, it is preferable to opt for a mobile app.

When is it appropriate to develop a web-app?

On the contrary, a web-app may be a better choice when you want to offer fast and universal access without the need to install anything. This is the case for platforms that, for various reasons, must be accessible from different types of devices, using only an Internet connection.

The choice may vary depending on the specific needs of the project. In order to find the most suitable solution, it is useful to talk to experts in the field, such as our technicians, from whom you can request a free consultation.

Describe your idea, contact us

HT Apps is the ideal partner for customised app and web-app development! With over 20 years of experience, we specialise in the development of revolutionary web-apps, such as ULOI, and effective mobile apps, such as JOBy

Tell us your idea, we will design your web-app together. Talk to our experts by phone at +390957463250, write to us on WhatsApp or fill in the contact form at the bottom of the page.

Your app or web-app will soon become a reality. What are you waiting for? Contact us!

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